Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Scale Degrees FYI

The key of C Major is a good starting point because it has no flats or sharps and is best for learning purposes. We learned that the major scale is made up of whole steps and half steps and we learned the names for all of the given pitches A through G and their respective flats, sharps and naturals. However, we can also look at the pitches in relation to each other within a major scale: 

Pitch C to D can be considered a "major second." (M2)
From C to E is a "major third." (M3)
C to F is a "perfect fourth." (P4)
C to G is a "perfect fifth." (P5)
C to A is a "major sixth." (M6)
C to b is a "major seventh." (M7)

Each pitch in a major scale also has a more elaborate name as noted above. These names we will address in the future when talking about songs and chords.

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